Our recent kids birthday bash

On the weekend we had a kids' birthday party.  There are three little girls in the family and it was decided that instead of three birthday parties each year, they would have one for the three of them, on the youngest's birthday.  

So it happened on Sunday.  Each girl, aged 6, 5 and 3 invited their classmates from school and daycare.  Quite a large crowd was expected but at the last minute the weather turned bad which cut down on the numbers somewhat.  However during the morning of the big day, the sun came out and we enjoyed the company of about 60 kids under 7 and one or both of their parents.

The invitations had been marked "no gifts necessary" however most did bring a small gift.  Dolls were at the top of the popularity list.  Second was children's jewellery.  Obviously it wasn't known that their Nanna had a baby and children's jewellery website!

Both the older girls have pierced ears and both received several pairs of children's earrings.  Children's necklaces were quite popular and there were a handful of bracelets.  

I purchased a children's jewellery box for each of the girls last Christmas so they now have quite a collection being safely stored.  Both girls wore on the day, the little children's bracelets I'd given them as well as a little sterling silver chain with a little children's charm clipped onto it via a lobster claw clasp.  They looked pretty swish and we saw lots of little girls admiring the girls' jewellery!

There's no doubt about it, girls love their jewels!  

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