Do people still buy/wear religious jewellery? There was a time when religious icons were hugely popular on jewellery, which was, often as not, worn by men as well as women and children.
I cannot answer that question for adults, but for children, I think I can safely say, yes. We don't sell a lot of religious children's jewellery, but a small cross for a baby on her Christening Day, or a baby necklace featuring a cross, is still a desired item.
More commonly, a nice baby bracelet, popularly pearls, or sterling silver, or a nice sterling silver baby sized necklace, is given as a baby Christening gift.
For older children, there doesn't seem to be a big market for religious jewellery and at Baby Jewels we don't stock religious icons except for simple crosses, and they can be as children's necklace pendants, baby and children's earrings, or charms for children.
If you're looking for crucifixes, Stars of David, rosary beads etc., there are website specialising in religious jewellery for children as well as adults.