Here at Baby Jewels we have noticed that largest group who purchase baby and children's jewellery are grandmothers. What do they purchase specifically? Most popularly, baby bracelets and baby brooches are purchased for their grandchildren when they are born. And it is grandmothers who continue to purchase children's jewellery over the years as their grandchildren grow up. A large chunk of our buyers over the 2011 Christmas season were grandparents.
The next biggest group are the aunties, friends of the family and Godparents. Engraved, traditionally styled baby bangles are popular as Christening gifts and for newborns.
With this group we've found the more modern styles, those with enamelled animals and insects, sparkling crystals, the charm bracelets or the children's necklaces are great choices for children's birthday gifts. Mothers tend to buy this style of jewellery for their children.
Who buys boys' jewellery? Mums mainly! We love to purchase jewellery for our kids and these days, boys are no exception! The leather bracelets, or the gemstone jewellery are the main choices for gifts for boys. But there are many other styles suited to boys.