Insurance on Children's Jewellery

I had an email last week asking the question whether children's jewellery should be insured.  Obviously, I thought the question would only come up if the jewellery included a largish collection worth over a certain amount.  

Out of curiosity, I phoned my own insurance company and was pleasantly surprised to find that it's possible to add even a small amount of kids' jewellery, say, a couple of baby bracelets, and/or a handful of children's earrings to an insurance policy for a very minimal increase in premiums.  I also asked whether the jewellery should be placed in a safe deposit box.  The answer was, unless we're talking upwards of $1000, probably not.  

Hard to believe, but there are some sites selling gold/diamond children's jewellery with prices over $1000, so in some households, this might be necessary.

So for only an extra one or two dollars a month, it's possible to insure a small collection of baby jewellery and it can be as an addition to the policy in the same way that the purchase of an electronic device might be added.  

Check it out with your insurance company if you have some valuable items and are at all concerned.

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