A friend of my daughter has just had the wind knocked out of her sails. Her lovely little daughter 7 y.o. Nezi, (Inez) has been diagnosed with ALL (Leukaemia.)
Nezi's been my granddaughter, Chloe's best friend since Day care and I have met her on many occasions. Sweet and pretty, her Mum Renee is a single Mum who does a great job with Nezi and her 3 y.o. brother Kyl.
Currently Renee and Nezi are down in the Children's Hospital in Brisbane where Nezi is undergoing her second round of chemo. Kyl is staying with an Aunt here on the Coast.
I can only imagine the upheavel, worry and sadness in this family at present.
When Nezi is well enough, she will come home but will need to be able to travel to Nambour Hospital for treatment and, eventually, to school, when she's well enough to resume her studies.
But Renee doesn't have a car and has no means to get one. Until now, they have walked to school. Rain hail or shine, it's 30 minutes to school, 30 minutes back, then the same in the afternoon. But the hospital is much further. For this reason, there is a fundraiser under way on Facebook, to buy Renee a car, and help with the normal expenses of running a car, for the first 12 months. The facebook page is here:
Baby jewels has donated a pair of children's earrings, a beautiful, engraved, sterling silver children's bangle, a silver/amethyst cz children's bracelet and a fresh water pearl children's bracelet.
If you are reading this, we would love it if you'd check out these and other donated items for the auction which gets underway tomorrow night and continues for 9 days. We are hoping to raise enough for a small car, plus insurance, RACQ membership, and registration for the first year. Servicing has been donated.
Thank you!!